Text is displayed on a navy blue background reading: "Resource Center. One-stop shopping to learn how to advocate for your disability rights. Find resources for disability issues like Special Education, FREE “secret” benefits for Kansans with disabilities, Voting Rights, and many more topics!" Graphic of a Black, Blind woman with a cane and sunglasses standing with her left fist in the air is to the right of the text.

How can I get involved?

White heart inside an orange circle is to the upper left of a navy blue dollar sign inside of a white circle. Background is a navy blue square.


There are many ways to donate to the DRC.

Donate online through our PayPal account or send a check to our address: Disability Rights Center of Kansas, 214 SW 6th Ave., Ste 100, Topeka, Kansas 66603.

White, simple outline of a person's head and shoulders with a white plus sign to the right on top of an orange circle. Background is a navy blue square.


Do you want to stay up to date with DRC's latest news and the most recent updates on resources for Kansans with disabilities?

Subscribe to our email list, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts today!

White outline of a computer mouse icon lays on top of an orange circle. Background is a navy blue square.

Take Action

Fill out our public input survey to let us know what you think about our priorities for 2025. We value your feedback!

DRC often shares action alerts for you to let your representatives know what you think about policies that affect people with disabilities. Click here to get notified every time that DRC shares an action alert.

An orange chat bubble lays over a navy blue square background. Three white ellipses with black outlines are on the orange chat bubble.

Share Your Story

Has DRC helped you with your disability rights issue? We want to hear about it!

If you want to be featured on DRC's website and/or social media to share how our services helped you, fill out this form or email info@drckansas.org to let us know.