Register to Vote

White text with an orange underline is on top of a navy blue background. It reads: How to register to vote, advance voting, facts and myths about registering to vote. A white vertical line is in the middle of the page. To the right of the white line is an image of metal buttons that say "VOTE" and are red, white, and blue with white stars.

To Vote in Kansas you MUST be Registered to Vote!

To Register to Vote, Print Off, Fill Out & Mail-in Form:

Voter Registration Form (PDF)

Solicitud de Registro Votante (PDF)

Or Register To Vote Online:

Kansas Secretary of State’s Online Voter Registration (to register online through the Kansas Secretary of State you must have a valid Kansas driver’s license) - a Kansas Online Voter Registration & Advance Ballot Service

Registering to Vote – Facts & Myths

Fact – Your registration form must be sent to your County Election Office and postmarked at least 21 days prior to the election for you to be able to vote.

Fact – If you have moved since the last time you voted, you should submit a new registration form.

Myth – “If you register to vote you will be called for jury duty.”  This is false. The potential pool for jury duty comes from those who have either a Kansas drivers license / I.D. card OR are registered to vote.  So, if you have a Kansas I.D. or drivers license, you are already in the pool for potential jury duty.  Registering to vote won’t change that.    

Myth – “I’m only 17 years old, so there is no way for me to register to vote.”  This is false.  IF you will be 18 years old on the day of the election, you can register to vote NOW and you can VOTE on election day!

Vote at Home / Advance Voting

Permanent Advance Voting - Kansans with a permanent disability can choose to vote at their accessible polling place OR vote in the privacy of their own home by being mailed an advanced ballot for each future election.

Permanent Advance Ballot Request Form (PDF) 

Solicitud de avance permanente para el estado de votación (PDF)

Mail your permanent advance ballot request form to your County Election Officer or request to be a permanent advance voter online at

One-Time Advance Voting - If you don't have a permanent disability you can still vote at home for the next election.

Advance Voting Request Form (PDF) 

Solicitud de papeleta de votación anticipada por correo (PDF)

Mail your advance ballot request form to your County Election Officer or request a one-time advance ballot online at

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact DRC.

Register to Vote