What are Home & Community Based Services?

Image of a young boy in a wheelchair smiling. He is using an iPad. In the top left is a white box with dark blue text reading “LEARN MORE” with a blue and orange cursor icon graphic to the right. At the bottom of the image is a black box with white text reading “WHAT ARE HOME & COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES?”. Navy blue rectangle with a white, thick, horizontal bar at the top. Over the white is navy blue text that reads: "KNOW YOUR SPECIAL EDUCATION RIGHTS: A GUIDE FOR PARENTS & STUDENTS IN KANSAS." Over the navy blue is white text that reads: "The flyer below and to the left is part of a series of one-page flyers covering over 30 Special Education topics. They are designed to give you "just in time" information for each step of the Special Education process. You can download the whole series in the form of an extensive booklet, or simply choose the topics and view the individual flyers as you need them." Under the text is an orange rectangle with white text reading: "SEE THE WHOLE SERIES HERE" with a white icon of a computer mouse inside of a navy blue circle.

PDF Version: What are Home & Community Based Services (HCBS)?

PDF Version: Full Guide of all 30+ Flyers (Compiled as a Booklet)

Versión en Español en Formato PDF: ¿Qué son los Servicios Basados en el Hogar y la Comunidad (HCBS)?

Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) waivers are programs through Kansas Medicaid (KanCare). The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) directs these programs. HCBS waivers let someone receive services where they live in the community instead of an institution, like a nursing home or state hospital.

There are seven HCBS waivers in Kansas. Six of them provide in-home services for children and youth.

The waivers meet different needs depending on different disabilities. Some waivers may provide in-home assistance for your child. Others may provide services such as therapies, nursing care, case management, counseling, day services, or residential services.

The six waivers that serve Kansas children and youth are:

• Autism Waiver (AU): for children with autism ages 0-5
• Brain Injury Waiver (BI): for people who have a brain injury ages birth to 64
• This brain injury can be acquired or traumatic
• Intellectual/Developmental Disability Waiver (IDD): for children ages 5+ who have an intellectual disability that started before they were age 22
• Physical Disability Waiver (PD): for people ages 16-64 that meet Social Security’s definition of disability for SSDI or SSI
• Severe and Emotionally Disturbed Waiver (SED): for people ages 4-18 with a mental health diagnosis
• This diagnosis must substantially disrupt the person’s ability to function socially,
academically, and/or emotionally
• Technology Assisted (TA): for people ages 0-21 who depend on a ventilator or other device to perform a vital bodily function

Who can receive HCBS waivers?

Your child must have KanCare Medicaid insurance to qualify for HCBS Waivers. They also must meet the definition of disability under the Social Security Act. They must meet the requirements of the specific Waiver.

More details can be found about each waiver at the KDADS website. Find it here.

Disclaimer: This fact sheet is not intended to provide specific legal advice. If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney. Only an attorney can give you specific legal advice based on your particular situation. We try to update our materials regularly, but the law can change frequently. This publication is based on the law at the time that it was written. Future changes in the law could make information in this fact sheet inaccurate.

What are Home & Community Based Services?